Remove vocals, drums, bass, piano and other instruments out of any song.


Sample and remix any song.

Project stem and MIDI extractor.

Vocal Remover and Instrumental Karaoke maker.

Audio Isolation.

Extract vocals, accompaniment and various instruments from any audio. Download acapella and generate karaoke version of your favorite songs.

Other elements

Frequently asked questions

How to remove vocals from a song?

With Swound, removing vocals from a song is super easy ! Just upload your song from the web interface or from the Swound Studio Desktop app. Then simply choose to separate vocals and instruments into 2, 4, or 5 tracks – for example you can create a karaoke version by removing vocals, or get an acapella extraction to make a remix.

How to isolate instruments from a song ?

In Swound, the instruments of audio files are isolated in up to 4 different tracks. You can download and play around with each one of these tracks, removing the drums, the bass, the keys, or others for your music practice or creation process.

Regarding DAW project files, Swound will isolate every single track - sample and MIDI region.

How to download individual sample, stem or MIDI from a project ?

Open the Swound Studio Desktop app and make sure to synchronize your project library with our cloud. Once done you can download any layer (sample, MIDI, stem) from the app or the web.

Which file format is supported ?

Audio source seperation works with the following file formats: WAV, MP3, OGG, M4A, WMA, FLAC.

Project stem extractor support the following DAW: Ableton 8.1+, FL Studio 20+, Logic Pro X and Garage Band 10+ and their respective project file format: ALS, FLP, LOGICX, BAND.

Musical instruments

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